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the inspiration

Where do we start? Well, the dream began with a group of people investing time in the success of others.


People have asked me why I chose the name, The Kassie Project. Here's my best explanation (long story, long)


My life has been a series of ups and downs, twists and turns and what seemed like never ending broken roads. With that said, my life can't be chalked up as jaded or less than par because of the obstacles that have sucker punched me over and over but rather it has to be charted as Blessed, Incredible, Priceless, and Irreplaceable. I've been so fortunate to surround myself with an incredible "circle" and I have always found value and worth in those relationships. This appreciation and networking started at a very young age and without this "team" approach to life - I'm certain I would have been nothing but roadkill on the dynamic interstate of life.


Like many kiddos today, I experienced a divorced lifestyle at the age of 13. My sister and I were embraced with love, support and guidance by all of our aunts, uncles, grandparents and especially our parents in order to provide a “united” family support system even if there was a division of home.  I can't imagine being a single mom and the pressure that is faced every day with strength, love and perseverance.  Knowing the future of the ones you love is directly connected to what you provide isn't something to be taken lightly. There were times when my mom worked three jobs including weekends and evenings so the luxury of "time" wasn't something she relished. Determined to give us the tools we needed to be successful in life, she never asked us not participate in activities but instead encouraged us to "dive into everything". I know there were many times she had to swallow her pride to ask someone for help and I don't think that is ever easy for any woman or man, for that matter but it is almost always necessary when you are a single parent. Because of our supportive extended families, we were never "stuck on the school curb" or "late to the club or game" and we never had to take a minute to think before volunteering for anything. We just knew "our village" would be there for us. This confidence didn't come from a place of conceit but rather a place of endearment, knowing the love of our family and their desire for us to be positive influencers on our small little community.



Succeed we did as you can clearly see here (and my aspiring dreams of becoming a fashion icon were starting to gain notice)…
















This need for a relational and active network is in my blood. It's always on my mind, and it drives me every single day. If I get to recommend a friend or a familiar business to someone, it actually feels like I just had a taco from Bueno (and in case you are wondering that ranks pretty dang high on my list of good things). When someone calls to say, "Thank you for sending me to so and so - I loved it!" - SUPERBOWL for KASSIE! I'm so excited that this need for others or the team spirit incubated into a fresh look at how much you truly need others to get through life versus a simple, spoiled "Somebody better help me" attitude. In fact, I realize now more than ever just  how much I needed everyone. The carpools, the "not my parent but authorized person to go to the bowling alley for the school party" volunteer even the "kick in the tail" mentors I've been favored with in life. Each person played a huge part in helping me manage my life - THE KASSIE PROJECT.


Don't quit reading. I told you long story, long - and trust me, you won't want to miss hearing how Kevin Durant helped us along the way!


So that brings us to today and why The Kassie Project started. You've just heard where the name and inspiration derived, but you still may be confused on what my plan of action is.


Serving. More than anything, I want to serve my community and those around me. The less fortunate, the goodness sakes who needs that much money and the middle of the roaders. No matter the social or financial status, we are all in need of help (and if you don't think you are, then you need more help than I can offer. lol) and asking for help isn't always easy. But it can be.


Whether a single parent, a college student or a retired professional, we all have those daily, weekly, monthly stressors that actually drive the joy out of our day and seem like too little or too awkward of an issue to ask someone close to us to assist.  My mom was blessed with a close family and smaller community that paid attention to our needs, offering before we even had the chance to ask for help. There are many of us who just don't have that chemistry with those around us right now.


The Kassie Project is here to help with all the "stuff" your day throws at you. Everything from "7am - the dog is sick, who is going to take him to the vet, I don't have anymore PTO left!" to the "internet provider never hits their two hour time slot and the kids have a game at 5 so which one of us is missing his first goal?" We will even do the grocery shopping for the holidays or just a plain old weekend where a trip to Walmart might cause you to eat an entire box of thin mints. Our firm is here to help everyone who just needs one more hour in the day, or one more set of hands or just one more hour of sleep - basically we are here to help all those "just one more" sufferers.


Life is meant to be enjoyed, and everyone deserves the gift of time. There should be no guilt in asking and no guilt in receiving this gift. Let's just change our motto to, "The Kassie Project - Guilt Free Indulgence!" because that's what it should be - it is a paid service just like your cell bill or the internet and it has just as much potential to automate, enhance and increase the productivity in your day which allows for more "peace" in your life - and time to enjoy those you love and the things that inspire you most.


I appreciate you tracking with me to learn more about my vision and this labor of love. This is not an ode to me but more of a living ballad for those who encouraged, supported, believed and pushed me into the person I am today. It is humbling to have many of those people still alive and close to me where I can finally return the favor and effort. The biggest supporter of The Kassie Project (both the business and my messy project of a life) is Jesus Christ, my Lord, and Savior. No matter how hard I've tried, I've always stayed tried and true to the "sinner by choice and nature" role and ended up making idols of so many things that were just pointless in the grand scheme of things. A combination of maturity and humiliation, supportive church family and community and the Holy Spirit have opened my eyes to what my needs in life are. I need to be surrounded by others who remind me of where I have been and the help I have needed. I need to be around those who inspire me with their stories of never giving up and making their way. I need to be active in the lives of the rich in purpose and not simply wealthy in their wallet.  I need to fulfill this calling to serve. And one thing for certain, I will need (and always appreciate) your prayers.



P.S. Kevin Durant gave me a high five once, and it uplifted my spirits. See life is about enjoying the small things for instance reading a very long summary.




No different than everyone else, real life hit.  BOOM.  Since college, I have considered my life a project; sometimes it ranks as an aspirant for the Nobel Peace Prize and other times it seems like a trailer for Sharknado. There has just always been a need for extra help - no matter how far ahead I would find myself, when I took a grander look I always realized I was still so far behind.  Behind what? That's a great question but it was a driving force for years and that exertion to keep up only kept me in a state of constant stress and agony. This anxiety caused me to not only stretch myself in ways I shouldn't but also those I loved. I can't count how many hours, dollars, opportunities, favors, shoulders, have been spent on me. Maybe they were all justified and maybe some were just me being dramatic regardless, it was time, effort, love, trust of others that kept me going in some way.  Whether it was a simple letter of reference or  "going out on a limb" for me, the regard has always been there and I hope I have or will have the opportunity to reciprocate those genuine intentions.

The inspiration behind the concept is a beautiful story of perserverence and sophistication. Our values were built on a solid foundation of grit and legacy.


 Get to know us even better by following us on social media. We look forward to hearing from you soon. 

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© 2015 by The Kassie Project. Thank You, Kindly.

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